
Friday, December 2, 2011

Roasted Garlic and Tomato Spread

Normally, I like to post once a week.  Why?  Because I cook in big quantities (I don’t know how to do it any other way), and making two recipes usually ends with me having too much food and it going to waste. 

But I wanted to give you a little preview.  I made a delicious spread in preparation for next week’s feast of a post.  And this stuff is so good, I just couldn’t wait to share it.  Actually, this stuff is so good, I’m already wishing I had made a double batch.  Oh well.

So by now you might have realized that I’m a sucker for caramelized onions.  I’m pretty sure I’ve featured them (and raved about them) in several posts.  They deserve it, they’re delicious. 

But you know what else I love but have yet to give any credit to?  Garlic.  Oh my, do I looooooove garlic.  And when you roast it and it becomes all soft and buttery, it makes me swoon.  Just give me some toast and a head of roasted garlic to put on it and I am one happy camper.

I don’t want to give too much away, but basically I needed to make a thick sauce or spread, and my mind immediately when to tomato sauce.  But that’s too boring.  And then I thought about the things I usually put into a tomato sauce.  And then I remembered garlic.  And how good it is.  And how I want some right now. 

My mind wandered in that direction for longer than I really want to admit, and this roasted garlic and tomato spread slowly formed.  I started with the roasted ingredients, threw them in my food processor, and played a little bit with the seasoning, though it didn’t need much.  The truth is, this is a super simple spread that takes very little effort and would probably taste great with any cracker or on any sandwich you can think of.  You could also toss it on some pasta and call it a day.  Or you could be like me and steal spoonfuls of it from the fridge when no one is looking. 

Roasted Garlic and Tomato Spread
Makes 1.5 – 2 cups


1 head garlic
2 pints cherry tomatoes
2 teaspoons olive oil
8 basil leaves, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400F

1.  Line a jelly pan with aluminum foil.  Spread the cherry tomatoes on the pan and toss with one teaspoon olive oil to coat.

2.  Chop off the top (1/4 – 1/2 inch) of the head of garlic so that all the cloves are exposed.  Drizzle the rest of the olive oil over it so that it’s evenly coated, then wrap the head of garlic tightly and completely in aluminum foil to create a nice little package.

3.  Place both the pan and the garlic package in the oven (you can toss the garlic right on the rack) and roast for about 30 minutes.  The cherry tomatoes should have burst and will be just starting to blacken at this point.

4.  After 30 minutes, take the pan of tomatoes out and set aside to cool.  Check on the garlic.  The cloves should feel soft when you push on them.  If not, wrap it up and put it back in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.  There's no such thing as over roasting the garlic (as long as it doesn't burn), so it's better to to add on a few more minutes if you're not sure.

5.  Once things have cooled off a bit, put the tomatoes, any juices that came off of them, and the garlic into a food processor along with the basil.  Pulse until everything is combined and adjust the salt and pepper to your taste.

This keeps for several days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.  Pair it with your favorite cracker, spread over some toast, or wait until Monday to see what I’m doing with it! 



  1. What a lovely idea for a dip.

  2. This is really gorgy! I love the color, and don't even get me started on roasted garlic. Wow. This recipe is a keeper.

  3. Outstanding! I've buzzed and bookmarked this baby because it looks fabulous. My husband and I fell in LOVE with a similar tomato spread in Spain and I just haven't been able to replicate it successfully at home. Maybe it needs garlic! I'll have to give this a try and find out :)

  4. This looks like a beautiful spread, garlic and tomatoes go so well together! The roasted garlic looks fantastic, the gorgeous brown color is making me drool :)

  5. Simple, fresh, flavoursome. Bookmarked!

  6. Roasted tomatoes are such a great flavorful ingredient, I can just imagine the vibrant flavor of this dip. great recipe :)

  7. I love how a few simple ingredients can make something so flavorful! Roasted garlic I bet added a great flavor into this spread. It's so healthy I wouldn't feel guilty at all for indulging in this one!

  8. Looks fantastic! Will be back on Monday to see what else you are doing with this dip.

  9. Hi Elana!
    N-ice recipe, agree w/you about carmelized onions & garlic, nothing like it!

    Enjoyed reading your "About", looks like you & I started blogging about the same time, & I'm a football fan too :)

  10. What a great idea! I'm always looking for new dips and spreads to serve.

  11. Thanks everyone! Go check out what I used this for over at my Pizza Party post!

    @ Sandi - Hi, and thanks so much! It's nice to have a fellow blogger newbie (and another female football fan) out there!

  12. This looks delicious! And I love tomatoes and garlic. They are a perfect combination!

  13. This is a lovely spread. I do it for my pizza but do not add that much garlic.

  14. I have the perfect event coming up where I can serve this. Thank you.

  15. This sounds delicious! I love roasted tomatoes and i'm in heaven when I get to eat roasted garlic (lucky boyfriend! ;)). This is a perfect recipe to put out for the fam Christmas Eve gathering.

  16. so simple but the best ever! One question though.. The tomatoes usually hold a lot of liquid in, so doesnt that make the spread a bit runny? It doesnt look that way on your photo, i am just afraid of that before i try and make it.

    1. Great question, Pamela. When you roast the cherry tomatoes, they burst and some of the liquid comes out and evaporates in the oven. Whatever is left over is just enough to make the spread, well, spreadable. It's not runny at all!
