
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Curried Barley Salad

Crazy week.  Being sick.  Computer problems.  When it rains, it pours, right?  That’s how I felt last week.  But now I’m back among the living again.  And instead of raining, it’s actually beautiful and spring-like outside.  All I want is bright, sunny, springy food.  And I will totally go to the super market and grab some asparagus and maybe even go crazy and splurge on fresh berries.  But I haven’t gotten there yet.

Instead, I have this delicious, light, healthy, and easy to make grain dish.  It’s full of delicious curry (I love love love curry), and sprinkled with those bright flavor notes that I’m craving, but here in the form of dried fruit.  It’s a great side dish, or can be eaten on its own as a light meal.  Oh, and it smells heavenly (thank you curry powder), so please make with caution.

Anyway, I’d love to stay and chat, but I have to get back to the grind.  And the running around.  And the unresolved computer problems.  And of course, the avoiding all these things and looking up delicious spring recipes :-)

Curried Barley Salad
Adapted from The Kosher Palette


3 cups cooked barley                
1 bunch scallion, chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
1/2 cup currants or raisins
1/2 cup craisins or dried apricots
1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 1/2 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/3 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste


1.   Prepare barley according to package directions, cool and fluff.

2.  Meanwhile, whisk together the lemon juice, curry powder, allspice, and olive oil until everything in well blended.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

3.  In a large bowl, combine the scallions, bell peppr, raisins and chickpeas.  Stir in barley.

4.  Toss the barley mixture with the dressing.  Serve cold or room temperature.



  1. I love love LOVE curry to and raisins in my curry; I will definitely be giving this a try!

    1. You can do any dried fruit, currants and apricots were just what I had on hand. You should definitely try it!

  2. Like you, I absolutely love curry, and this sounds fantastic to me. How interesting to add currants!

    1. Any dried fruit you have on hand work here. It's just nice to balance curry with something sweet like that.

  3. This sald is wonderful and I like that you used barley, you don't see a lot of barley in dishes much. Delicious

    1. It's true - you don't see barley much! The original recipe called for couscous, but barley makes it so much more satisfying, I think.

  4. Wow, this looks delicious. I love adding barley to my risottos and I'm definitely going to try this recipe.

    1. Thank you! I've been meaning to try out a barley risotto myself.

  5. Mmmm I love curry too! This looks great!! I love the dried fruit and chickpeas, sounds delicious!

  6. This looks soooo yummy!! I love curry and WIN!!! Will be making this very soon!

    1. Thanks! Curry makes the world a better place, in my opinion :-)

  7. LOVE curry! This is right up my ally, too - bookmarked!

    1. Sometimes I have to hold myself back from adding curry to everything I make, haha.

  8. Yummmmmmy! This looks fantastic. I love that you used barley. It's so good in salads. And I love anything with I'm sold on this one :)

    Great website!

    1. Thanks! I'm a recent barley convert. I need to start making it more - it's so good!

  9. What an excellent, light dish with barley. I was rushing to use all the barley in my cupboard before the warm weather kicks in thinking it would be useless. But this is perfect.

  10. I haven't made any barley yet, but I've been looking for more curry dishes. This looks perfect!!! Can't wait to give it a try

  11. I googled barley and curry to find out how to mix the two together and I came upon your post. It looks delicious, and I can't wait to try it.

    1. Welcome to the blog! I'd love to hear what you think of the recipe if you try it!
