
Monday, February 6, 2012

Roasted Eggplant and Pepper Dip

Happy post-Superbowl!  Did you have a party?  Did you go to one?  Or are you the kind of person who just watches for the commercials?  Or maybe you’re a bitter fan like me, depressed that your own team failed, yet again, to make it to the big game.  Sigh.

If you hosted a party, I apologize, this recipe seems to be a bit late for your purposes.  But if you are hosting a party, or a dinner, or anything that requires a dip and some crackers in the future, you should try this one out.  It’s easy, it’s delicious, and it’s always a big hit. 

This dip has roasted eggplant, peppers, and onions, a touch of garlic, and that delicious flavor of cooked wine.  It’s versatile: it can do fancy shmancy cocktail party, or casual football party, and everything in between.  My mom serves it as an appetizer at her Shabbat meals, which is where I first had it.  Just try it out, ok?  I promise you’ll be hooked.

Oh, and here’s a little teaser for you: I’ll be doing a restaurant review on here later this week.  I don’t like it very much when blogs do restaurant reviews, I tend to find it a bit boring and sometimes even patronizing, and I made a point to not do posts dedicated to them, but this is going to have to be an exception.  I promise, there’s good reason for it.  I can say, without a doubt, that it was best meal I have ever had in my life.  So check back later in the week!

Roasted Eggplant and Pepper Dip:


1 eggplant
3 peppers
2 cloves garlic
1 red onion
1 tablespoon tomato paste
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/3 cup red wine

Preheat oven to 400F

1.  Roughly chop the eggplant, peppers, and red onion so that all the pieces are about the same size.

2.  Toss the chopped vegetables and only one of the garlic cloves with the olive oil and wine in a large roasting pan until everything is evenly coated. Sprinkle just a touch of salt over everything.

3.  Mixing occasionally, roast the vegetables in the oven until the wine has mostly evaporated and the vegetables are beginning to shrivel and even char.  This should take about 45 minutes. 

4.  Put the roasted vegetables, the remaining garlic clove, and the tomato paste in a food processor and blend until the mix has reached your desired consistency.  If you need more liquid, add some water or olive oil slowly.  Adjust salt and pepper to taste, and serve warm, cold, or room temperature.



  1. Oh I am sure that is SO good! What an amazing dip. Definitely bookmarking this!

  2. That dips looks marvelous! Roasting makes everything better.

    1. Roasting DOES make everything better! Especially in the winter when my apartment is chilly and the hot oven makes everything nice and warm :-)

  3. Mmm, this looks wonderful! I love how healthy and flavorful this looks!

  4. Oh this looks like an amazing dip! Can't wait to try it out for my next big party =)

  5. Um YUM - this is my kind if dip!

  6. This dip looks delicious and healthy too!

  7. Looks fantastic. Yeah, I was a bit of a bitter fan, of course, the KC Chiefs were shut out... Again, but I was hoping to see the Saints or Packers... It was a bad January for me football wise.

    But, party i did and had fun. It was a great game.

    And love the dip. I am going to save this for spring grilling. Roast the eggplant and peppers on the grill and then make this dip table side just before popping the steaks on. A crowd pleaser!

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Ooooh, grilling the veggies would be soooooo good, what a great idea! I would recommend not adding the wine pre-grilling, but adding just a tablespoon or two to the food processor at the end instead.

  8. this is such a delicious dip! I've made Barefoot's before, she has the absolute best recipes! Your dip and step by step pictures look gorgeous, yum!

  9. It looks great - I love homemade dips!

  10. The dip looks fantastic! I can't get others in my home to eat hummus... but this dip could be a hit! Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to try this recipe myself.

  11. Oh yum! I love hummus and babaganoush and I am sure I'd love this as well! Just a question - does keep well for a few days? :)

    1. I've kept it tightly covered and refrigerated for up to a week. I can't imagine you could resist it for any longer than that :-)

  12. I was surprised about your comment regarding bloggers who do restaurant reviews...why do you feel that its not appropriate for us to blog about restaurants we've eaten at?

    1. Its not that I find it inappropriate. It's more that I don't enjoy reading reviews. I would rather someone tell me that I should check out such and such restaurant, leave it at that, and allow me to enjoy the experience on my own. I totally recognize that people love to blog about their dining experiences and I totally get why others want to read about them. I'm just not one of them. And if I don't want to read about it, I probably shouldn't be writing about it, right? So I've stayed away from doing reviews. But if you enjoy writing or reading reviews, keep on doing it! I might just skip over those entries myself.
