
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Champagne Cupcakes with Strawberry Champagne Frosting

We’re celebrating this week.  And making some big announcements.  And we’re also thanking so many people this week.  Because usually these things all go hand in hand.

A year and a half ago, I would not have believed you if you told me that this was the direction my life would take me in.  I had a BA in International Affairs and a job in a related field.  I thought I was on my way to being the next big thing in foreign policy, something I thought I had wanted since middle school.  But, for a number of reasons, I was unhappy.  So I made a major change, quit my job, and have spent the last year taking post baccalaureate classes to qualify for a graduate program in dietetics.  And I found out over this past weekend that my hard work has paid off.

So I’m leaving DC and moving back to my hometown of Philadelphia for grad school.  I’m incredibly sad to be leaving DC after living here for 5 years.  I’ll miss the community I’ve developed and the friends that I’ve made.  But I'm also excited for a new adventure (not to mention being in a town that roots for the same sports teams as I do).

I just want to take a moment to thank all the people who have helped and supported me.  Not once, during this whole process, has any one of my friends, coworkers, teachers, or family members told me that this was a bad idea.  I’ve been incredibly lucky to have the support and encouragement of so many people in my life.  So thank you, thank you, thank you to the professors who inspired, encouraged, and even accommodated me (I'd like to see you try doing an orgo lab one-handed) over the past year, and an even bigger thank you to all my friends and family who have been nothing but positive support since I decided to change everything.

To celebrate, I would like to offer a toast to all these people.  We’re toasting with cupcakes – champagne cupcakes to be exact (because can you really toast with anything else?).  I also recently discovered Trader Joe’s freeze-dried fruits, and I instantly knew that I wanted to pulverize them and use the powder as a pop of flavor.  I always associate champagne with strawberries, so I figured this would be the perfect recipe to experiment with.

The cupcakes are light and airy, and the frosting packs a wallop of strawberry flavor.  It has just a hint of tartness, but not enough to overpower the light taste of the champagne.  These cupcakes are definitely worthy of any celebration.

(And yes, I do see the irony that I'm about to start a program in nutrition and I'm celebrating with desserts)

Champagne Cupcakes with Strawberry Champagne Frosting
Makes 12 cupcakes


1.5 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoons baking soda
Dash of salt
3 tablespoons non-hydrogenated butter substitute (I use Earth Balance)
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup blended silken tofu
1 cup Champagne, Prosecco, or other dry, sparkling wine

1 cup and 1 tablespoon champagne, divided
5 tablespoons non-hydrogenated butter substitute, softened
1.5 - 2 cups confectioner's sugar (enough to get the right texture)
1/3 cup freeze dried strawberries, pulverized into a powder (contents of one bag from Trader Joe's)

*This is enough frosting to smooth on top of the cupcakes with a knife.  If you want to pipe it on, as pictured here, you should double the recipe.

Pulverized, freeze dried strawberries

Preheat the oven to 350F

1.  In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugar together to create a light, fluffy mixture.  Add in the blended tofu and the vanilla and mix until well combined.

2.  Stir in the salt, the baking powder, and baking soda.

3.  Alternating between the two, add in about a third of the champagne, then a third of the flour.  Mix well between each addition, and repeat until all the ingredients have been mixed.

4.  Pour the batter into lined cupcake tins, filling each up about 3/4 of the way, and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until you can insert a toothpick into the middle of a cupcake and pull it out clean.

5.  Set cupcakes aside to cool before decorating.

1.  Bring 1 cup of champagne to a simmer in a small saucepan.  Allow it to reduce over medium heat for about 10 minutes, or until it has reduced to 2-3 tablespoons.  Set aside to cool.

2.  Cream the butter until smooth.  Mix in the reduced champagne and the strawberry powder.  Once incorporated, pour a tablespoon of regular champagne, then add in the powdered sugar a little bit at a time (I added mine 1/3 cup at a time), mixing well between each addition until the mixture is creamy, but a bit fluffy, and can hold its shape.

3.  Frost the cupcakes and serve.



  1. Oh wow these look good! They sound so healthy too!!!

    1. Thanks! I tried to keep the butter content down. Only 1 stick for 12 cupcakes and their frosting isn't too bad, right?

  2. Ohh my, you had me at champagne! These look amazing!! :)

  3. Congrats on your new grad school plans! It sounds super exciting. You definitely deserve both strawberries and champagne to celebrate--these cupcakes are obviously perfect!

  4. Congratulations! It takes a lot of guts to acknowledge when the direction your heading is making you unhappy, and actually go out and do something about it. More people need to be as brave as that!

    These cupcakes sound like the perfect celebration food. Since when did celebrations have to be healthy? ;)

    1. Thank you! I'm lucky that I realized relatively quickly that I was unhappy and how I could change that. It was terrifying to start over again, but now I'm just excited.

  5. congrats! that is great news! and these cupcakes look wonderful, I love the idea of using the freeze dried fruit, I am def going to have to try that out!

    1. Omg, I'm officially obsessed with the freeze-dried fruit thing. It keeps the frosting from getting too sticky sweet, and it keeps the flavor of the fruit intact. I'm already scheming other recipes I can use it in!

  6. Those look very good. Yummy!!!

  7. Congratulations. I love that you're celebrating with dessert - definitely my kind of nutritionist! :) The frosting on those cupcakes looks amazing.

    1. The frosting IS amazing. I can't tell you how excited I was that it came out so well.

  8. Congratulations on getting into grad school! Definitely a reason to celebrate with cupcakes. I've never seen frosting made with freeze dried strawberries! Looks so vibrant!

    1. Thank you! I'm loving the freeze dried fruit as flavoring. Definitely keeps the color bright!

  9. They taste as amazing as they look!!

    1. Especially when eating them on the steps of the Masonic temple on a beautiful day! Ugh, I'm going to miss DC.

  10. Wonderful cupcakes to celebrate wonderful things happening!!! They are beautiful.

  11. Congrats on all the Happiness in your life right now- there really is no better way to celebrate than with champagne and cupcakes!

    1. Thanks so much! I completely agree....this is definitely the best way to celebrate :-)

  12. Congrats on your new venture! It must be exciting, but I was in your shoes at one point too. I left my dream of pharmacy school to go to culinary school and I couldn't be happier for it! Good luck to you - and I think these cupcakes are the perfect way to celebrate =)

    1. Wow, I'm so impressed with your major life change! Sometimes it takes a little longer than we like, but I think we always find the path we're supposed to take in life....eventually.

  13. Just so you know! You are mentioned on our foodblog today! Thanks for being awesome and inspiring all of those around you!

    These cup cakes look to die for!!

    1. Thanks so much for the shout out! Thank YOU for being awesome!

  14. I made these a few nights ago and they turned out amazing!!!! If anyone is interested in making them vegan & soy-free, like I did, I substituted coconut butter for regular butter and coconut milk plain yogurt for the silken tofu . . . so moist and everyone (non-vegans alike) loved 'em!

  15. Making these tomorrow - can't wait to share with friends!
