
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Vegan Chocolate Mousse

This week, I realized two equally important things.  First, it was exactly one year ago that I started this blog.  Second, I have not once in that entire year done a tofu recipe.

Now, I've used tofu in some recipes.  It's been limited to silken tofu as an egg replacer in baked goods.  But I haven't really made a tofu recipe.  Considering this is a vegetarian blog, and the vast majority of the recipes on it are vegan, I feel like this isn't the norm.  At the same time, though, I like the idea that I can showcase delicious vegan and vegetarian foods that aren't the often disgusted-and-dismissed-by-meat-eaters tofu.

For my one year blogiversary (because apparently that's what we call these occasions?), I wanted to do something decadent, something indulgent - and preferably a dessert.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good tofu steak, but it just wasn't right for this week.

Instead, I decided to make a vegan chocolate mousse.  It's easy, it's decadent, it's super rich, and it's made of tofu.  Yes, you read that right - tofu.  Silken tofu blended with your favorite non-dairy milk, a little sweetener, and lots of dark chocolate makes a dense, rich, and absolutely delicious vegan dessert.  Trust me, this is a dessert worthy of any celebration.

Doesn't look like tofu, does it?
***UPDATE:  In addition to celebrating one year of The Inventive Vegetarian, I'm also celebrating the birth of my baby niece early this morning :-)

Vegan Chocolate Mousse
Serves 8-10


1 package silken tofu
8-10 ounces dark chocolate
1/2 cup non-dairy milk (I like using almond milk here)
1-2 tablespoons agave, to taste

1 graham cracker pie crust (optional)


1.  Melt the chocolate using your favorite method.  I prefer using a double broiler, so it takes a few minutes.  8 ounces of chocolate will make the mousse super chocolatey and delicious.  10 ounces will make it richer.  I've gone as high as 12 ounces, and it was super rich, to the point where only a few spoonfuls was enough.

2.  While the chocolate is melting, blend the silken tofu with the non-dairy milk until smooth.  Add in the melted chocolate and one tablespoon of agave and blend again.  Taste and adjust the agave levels as needed.

3.  Pour the mixture into whatever container you're serving it in.  I've served it both individually, sprinkled with some chocolate shavings and berries (as picture here), and I've also poured it into a graham cracker pie crust.  Both options are excellent choices.  

4.  Refrigerate at least one hour.  Serve cold or room temperature.



  1. Looks delicious! Wonderfully presented to. I am sure it tastes amazing.

  2. Happy blogiversary!!

  3. Made this mousse yesterday and poured it into a raw nut and coconut crust. To die for. Great recipe!! Next time, I'm going to add some warm spices, make it a Mexican chocolate mousse. Thanks! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! Mexican chocolate mousse sounds like a GREAT idea - def let me know how it turns out!

  4. This looks delicious! I am looking forward to trying this out during the holidays. Enjoyed reading through your blog!

  5. can you use this recipe for a triple chocolate mousse cake?

    1. I've never made a triple chocolate mousse cake, but I don't see why this recipe wouldn't work!

  6. uh-mazing! I just made this for my sister's bday and it's chilling in the fridge. I added a pinch of sea salt and I really enjoy the heightened flavor. My grocery store did not carry silken tofu so I used medium firm, and it required a lot more almond milk than you suggest. I think I added more agave too. (-: I like my desserts rich! Going to serve with strawberries.

    1. Ooooh, sea salt is a genius idea! The more firm texture of the tofu would need to be balanced with more almond milk, but it's good to know that medium firm would also work here. Thanks for the feedback!

  7. What is the size of your silken tofu package ?

    1. I believe I used one of the 12.3 oz, non refrigerated packages for this.

  8. I just made this, and took the advice to add some sea salt. It is delicious!!!!It is in the fridge now, hopefully it sets up like real mousse (but honestly, even if it doesn't we'll eat it-it is yummy!).

    1. I'm so glad you like it! It should set pretty well in the fridge. If not, call it a pudding instead of a mousse :-}

  9. Does cocoa powder work? I have Hershey's extra dark...

  10. Cocoa powder will not work, you need the chocolate to firm things up. This is an excellent recipe, we tweaked a bit here and there as we found it a bit too sweet, we replaced a few ounces with dark chocolate and added a tsp of vanilla to round up the taste.

  11. Have you tried this in a food processor (instead of a blender) or with an immersion blender? i'd like to try to keep things pareve...

    1. I haven't, but as long as either of those can process it until smooth, it should be fine. Silken tofu gets smooth very easily. I would try the food processor first. If it's not getting smooth, then at least it will be liquidy enough to use the immersion blender.

      Good luck!

  12. Update: this was amazing and a big hit. We served it in champagne flutes with raspberries. SO DELICIOUS. i used 10 oz of melted chocolate chips and 1 tbsp of sugar. Everyone loved it. Thank you for my new go-to easy, vegan, gluten-free, pareve dessert!

  13. Your recipe really appeals to me because it only has four ingredients, and it looks so delicious!
