
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Collard Greens with Black Eyed Peas

There are some foods that I didn’t grow up with, but have since fallen in love with.  Kale, as I’ve explained before, was only introduced to me in high school, and has since become a staple in my diet.  But kale isn’t the only green this applies to.  I have also explored the magical world of bok choy, arugula (another favorite), and more recently, collard greens.

My first dozen experiences with collard greens were not in the context of southern food.  Actually, I had it for the first time at an Ethiopian restaurant one summer when I was working in New York.  I immediately fell head over heels for Ethiopian cuisine and realized that I had discovered a new green that I just had to explore. 

One thing that always goes well with any kind of green is sautéing it with olive oil and garlic.  So when I began experimenting with collard greens, I started with that.  It was good, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t quite satisfied with it.  So on went the experiments where I did just about everything these greens.  I recently read in The Flavor Bible (omg, this book is amazing, you have to go get it RIGHT NOW) that collard greens go well with black eyed peas.  So I tried it.  And it was great.  Way to go, Flavor Bible.

This recipe is simple and delicious.  It’s healthy, comforting, and filling.  If you want to bulk it up, add some quinoa or rice to make it a full on meal.  Otherwise, serve it on the side with just about anything and it will go perfectly.

Collard Greens with Black Eyed Peas
Serves 4

1 bunch collard greens, ripped into more bite-sized pieces
1 cup cooked black eyed peas
1 onion, diced
1 clove garlic
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (feel free to adjust to taste)
Juice of half a lemon
1 cup vegetable broth
3 teaspoons olive oil
1 splash of white wine (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste


1.  Heat olive oil in a skillet. Add onions, sauté for a few minutes until they begin to sweat.  Add the garlic and sauté for another 30 seconds before adding in the collard greens.  Cook until the greens begin to soften, about 5 minutes. 

2.  Add the broth and red pepper flakes to the pan and let cook over medium to low heat for 30 minutes.  When the broth is gone, add the splash of wine, along with the black eyed peas.  Cook until the wine has been absorbed and the black eyes peas are heated through.

3.  Add in lemon juice just before taking it off the heat, taste for salt and pepper, and serve warm



  1. The first time I attempted to make collard greens, it was a big fail haha. I have never made them before that and I was short on time, which didn't help at all. This looks like a really great recipe, thanks for sharing!

    Happy Valley Chow

    1. I've definitely failed with collards as well. Who knew a leafy green needed so much time to cook?

  2. How have I never eaten black-eyed peas and collard greens? I have family in NC and everything! :) This sounds so simple and so delicious.

    1. Thank you! I never would have put the two together on my own either.

    Always looking for recipes to cook leafy greens...this is easy and very good! So many vitamins and minerals especially for heart disease prevention. Enjoy!

  4. Yummy! A winning combination--and one of my favorite ways to cook greens. I'm simmering a panful as I type. Thank you for posting!!

  5. Love this recipe--takes the bitterness out of the greens and makes them super yummy! Thank you!

  6. it is very, very good...made it for thanksgiving

  7. EXCELLENT recipe! I did a large batch eyeballing the extra ingredients. Also used a variety of greens. Splash of white wine and a good dash of pepper & Salt. This dish is very very good..
