
Monday, March 19, 2012

Cauliflower Popcorn

Between the curried barley salad and last week’s risotto, I’ve been cooking a lot of yellow food lately.  Now I have another one.  But this recipe is totally spring appropriate (cauliflower season!) and absolutely delicious.  So I’m ok adding another yellow recipe to the list.

Now, normally, I change recipes.  Normally, I find a way to make it more appealing to my palette.  Normally, I think I can make it taste better or be healthier.  But this is not one of those recipes.

How can it be bad with such pretty colors?

My family discovered this recipe a while ago when we first bought the Kosher by Design Entertains cookbook (part of the Kosher Palette cookbook series – a cookbook phenomenon in the Jewish world).  It’s been a favorite ever since. 

The only adaptation we’ve made is that we cut the salt in half (because my mom cooks with very little salt), but otherwise we leave this simple recipe alone so that it can shine in all its deliciousness.  Yes, it’s that good.

By the way, I’m taking a bit of a hiatus for a few weeks.  As of this past Thursday, I am officially one-handed, thanks to surgery on my wrist.  I’m ok, and this surgery has been planned for a little while, but the point is, it’s hard to cook with only one hand.  So I’m taking a break to get my bearings (and get off pain killers).  If anyone has any super easy, one-handed friendly recipes, I’d be grateful if you shot them my way.  Otherwise, I’m totally going to end up in the kitchen, attempting to do complicated things with only one hand, and it won’t be pretty,

You should see the other guy
I will, however, still be online, and I’ll probably getting my cooking fix by reading all about food.  Feel free to follow me on Twitter (@InventiveVeg) to see what I’m reading, or on Pinterest to see what I wish I was eating.  See you in a few weeks!

Cauliflower Popcorn

2 heads cauliflower, cut into florets
1/2 – 1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
6 teaspoons olive oil

Oh yea, that's authentic Hungarian paprika, because I'm Hungarian (ok, half Hungarian...sort of)

Preheat oven to 450F

1. In a bowl, combine all the spices, salt, and sugar. 

2.  Place the cauliflower in a single layer on a tinfoil or parchment paper lined jelly pan, or in a large roasting pan.  Pour on (or spray on) the oil, and sprinkle the spice mixture evenly over the cauliflower.  Toss until everything is evenly coated.

3.  Roast for about 40 minutes, until the largest pieces are fork tender and a nice, deep yellow/orange color has developed.  If the tips are beginning to get too brown before the biggest pieces are done, toss the cauliflower a few times while roasting.

4.  Serve warm or room temperature.



  1. I'm sorry to hear you're taking a break :( Come back soon! This cauliflower looks awesome! What a delicious snack.

    1. Thanks! I'll be back as soon as I can actually operate in the kitchen again :-)

  2. Mmm, lovely :) I adore roasted cauliflower.
    I hope you'll be back soon!

    1. Thank you! I hope I'm back soon, too. I have a few things in the works that are totally doable with only one hand...

  3. I absolutely have to try this! I never roasted cauliflower and it looks so delicious!

    1. Thanks! I'm a big fan of roasting. I don't know what to do with myself in the warm weather bc I really can't justify heating up the kitchen like that.

  4. Come back soon, I gave you a Liebster Blog Award!

    1. Thank you! I'll see what I can in, I'll see when I get used to at least typing with just one hand.

  5. Hooray, roasted cauliflower! I usually roast mine with a dijon vinaigrette, but I'mm intrigued by the kix of spices here--I'll have to give it a try. :)

    1. Mmmmm, dijon vinaigrette sounds delicious with roasted cauliflower!

    2. Thank you so much the Dr. Said no more popcorn ( diverticulosous! Hope you recover soon

  6. I'm pretty darn sure I'd go crazy if I couldn't get in the kitchen! Take care of yourself so you can come back soon!

  7. Mmmm this sounds like a delicious cauliflower recipe! I love cauliflower but rarely eat it. I'll have to try this recipe out next time I have some! Yum!

  8. This looks great. Simple and delicious for us cauliflower lovers. Feel better soon!

  9. This is an awesome idea - I love how delicious this looks (and really speaks to my Indian :D)

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Come to my Tea Party

  10. Sorry to hear about your hand - wishing you a fast recovery!

    This recipe looks like so much fun - I will have to give it a try :)

  11. I love cauliflower and this sounds amazing! Love all those seasonings!

  12. Love this recipe, sorry about the hand though :( Keep up the good spirit I'm sure your amazing cooking helps a bit. When you have a chance check out my blog, I'd love to hear what you think about it Can't wait to for the next culinary installment! Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks! I'm on my way to your blog right now! Always glad to find new food blogs :-)

  13. Hope your hand heals quickly! This looks so good. I love cauliflower nowadays. YUM!!

  14. I love that this dish is called cauliflower popcorn!! It sounds so wonderful, I can se why it makes an appearance in your home often. Hope your hand heals quickly!

    1. Thank you! And yes, I like the playful recipe title, too. It makes me smile on the inside ever time I see it :-)

  15. Sorry about your arm :( But this cauliflower sounds amazing! I need to try this ASAP!

    1. Thanks! I highly recommend trying it - it's so good that the batch I made was gone by the end of the day (and half of it was eaten during the photo shoot, haha)

  16. Hi, it's Steven - I like your blog in general but I was inspired to comment because as you may or may not know, I love that corny joke (you should see the other guy) and use it every chance I get. Especially when your niece or nephew falls down or trips on something and gets a little bruise. Whenever somebody then asks me what happened, I invariably respond with that joke.

    1. Hahahaha, we're clearly related (even if it's not by blood).

  17. Elana, this is such a neat idea and it looks yummy.
    Ouchie about your wrist. Wish you a very fast recovery.

  18. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out:

  19. This is just my first time reading your blog and I was kindly getting a little lazy from cooking that's why I'm searching for a popcorn recipe. And here I am. Great recipe. It's unique. Sad to hear about your arm. Hope you get well soon.

  20. This recipe caused my two-year-old to actually eat cauliflower!!!
    I trust that since it is now 2014 your wrist is now as good as new?

    1. I'm so glad I could help! My wrist has been pieced back together and is doing quite well now - thanks so much for asking!
