
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'M BACK! Let's drink!

There are so many things to celebrate!  I’m well on the road to recovery (though I am still mostly one handed).  The weather has finally caught up with the calendar and there have been some seriously beautiful, happy-hour-on-the-patio kind of days.  And in just a few short days, it will be Cinco de Mayo.

So I’m mixing up some drinks to celebrate.  Mostly because drink making is more handicap-friendly than cooking.  Also, the recent weather has inspired me.  And when I think about enjoying a drink, my mind goes to one of two places; a glass of wine (or sangria), or, if I’m feeling extra celebratory, tequila.  And what else would you really want to drink on Cinco de Mayo?

Now, tequila has a bad rep, which is totally understandable, but there is so much more to it than margaritas and tequila shots (both of which I am happy to visit another time).  A good tequila can be delicious and refreshing.  It can range in flavors from fresh, agave notes to butterscotch and brandy-like flavors.  It can easily fit in at the most upscale parties or at any college frat house.  Tequila is just so wonderfully versatile.

May’s issue of Cooking Light seems to like tequila as much as I do.  I was inspired by a cocktail recipe there, pairing tequila with lime (a traditional pairing) and cucumber (not as traditional) and brightened with some mint and cilantro.  I adjusted the recipe a bit (mostly by taking out the cilantro, which I can’t stand), mixed it all together, and came up with a delicious, refreshing, downright summery cocktail. 

Let’s all just take a moment to sit back, relax, and celebrate the good things in life, preferably while soaking up some sun.

P.S.  I totally missed this, and I totally missed you guys!  Who knew I would become such a blogging addict?  Let’s just pretend I never left, ok?

Don't you just love the color?

Cucumber Mint Tequila Cooler
Adapted from Cooking Light, serves 6

2.5 cups chopped English cucumber 
3/4 cup, packed, mint leaves
1/3 cup agave nectar
3-4 tablespoons lime juice (or the juice of 1-2 limes)
Dash of salt
1/2 cup tequila blanco (…or more…I totally did closer to 2/3 a cup)
3/4 cup chilled seltzer

The only equipment you need
1.  Combine the cucumber, mint leaves, agave, and lime juice in a food processor or blender.  Process until smooth.

2.  Stir tequila into the mixture and set aside to chill until you’re ready to serve.

3.  Strain the mixture into a pitcher and stir in the seltzer. Serve over ice, and preferably while sitting outside on a beautiful day.



  1. Hmm, an interesting combination! I don't generally think to combine cucumber with tequila--Pimm's or gin is more my speed--but maybe that should change...

    1. It's delicious! I highly recommend giving it a try, though gin would also be excellent in this recipe.

  2. Welcome back, count me in! This looks awesome. I keep seeing cucumber vodka, but tequila is more my thing. This fits the bill.

    1. Thanks! Glad to head I'm not the only one who would choose tequila over vodka any day.

  3. Mmmm....looks refreshingly delicious.

  4. This looks perfect for a hot day! Must be amazingly refreshing and flavorful :) Glad to hear you are better.

    1. Thank you! It would be perfect for a hot day - it's super refreshing!

  5. Very attractive color. I hope this doesn't taste as good as it looks or we're going to have problems! Very innovative creation!

  6. Mmm, I love a good taquila. This drink sounds great, especially with the cucumber and mint. Perfect for Cinco de Mayo!

    Glad to be reading new posts again! :)

    1. Thanks, Willow! I'm happy to be back to writing posts again :-)

  7. I bet the cucumber is so refreshing!!!

    1. It is! I really like the combo of cucumber and mint. It makes me think that I'm sipping cocktails at a fancy spa or something...

  8. This sounds absolutely amazing. Will have to wait till after baby arrives to try one though!!

    1. You could always make a "mocktail" version - just leave out the tequila and it will still be deliciously refreshing!
